We require a 50% non-refundable deposit to secure your placement on the retreat. Track Your Life (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to cancel your placement should we not receive the deposit payment within 10 days of invoicing. The balance of payment is required 90 days prior to arrival. Short-lead time placements must be paid in full immediately.

Cancellation of a confirmed placement on the retreat will result in the loss of the deposit. Should a cancellation be received less than 90 days out after full payment has been made, a 100% cancellation penalty will be charged. Track Your Life (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to cancel reservations should full payment not be received within 90 days prior to arrival.

Should your cancelled placement be filled at late notice by someone from the waiting list, Track Your Life (Pty) Ltd will endeavour to refund you in full however no guarantees are made as such.

Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance is compulsory, covering for personal effects, personal accident, medical and emergency travel expenses, as well as cancellation and curtailment as the reservation will be subject to cancellation penalties as detailed above.

We recommend using Global Rescue as a travel insurance provider.

Health Precautions
The Track Your Life retreat at Londolozi is situated in a malaria area; therefore all guests must consult their medical practitioner regarding anti-malaria requirements prior to travel.

Visas & Passports
Visa requirements to be checked before departure. All visitors to South Africa are required by law to have a minimum of two blank pages in their passport to enable the entry visa to be issued. If there is insufficient space in the passport, entry will be denied. Track Your Life (Pty) Ltd will not be held liable for delays in visa applications please allow for ample time to get all visa details and requirements.

Airline Tickets
In order to comply with international insurance requirements, all airline tickets must clearly show the passengers title, name and surname (as indicated in their passport). It applies to schedule and charter flights. We would be grateful if you could provide us with the correct information at time of making your reservation.

The airfare and airport tax quote are current and are subject to change without prior warning should the airline impose an increase for any reason. Fares and taxes may increase between time of making a reservation, time of payment and time of the ticket being issued.

Track Your Life cannot be held responsible should airlines discontinue flights or change scheduled timetable resulting in missed connection.