
Track Your Life

We have long believed that the restoration of the planet will come out of a profound shift in human consciousness.

While knowledge, data, and technology play a crucial role in learning, we’ve come to understand that the ancient, intuitive technologies require quiet immersion in nature for true resonance and deep learning to occur. It’s within the solitude of the natural world that these timeless wisdoms can be fully absorbed, creating a harmonious blend of modern and ancient approaches for a more profound and transformative experience.

Our mission is to reconnect people to wild places - and the wildest parts of themselves - as a way to accelerate the awakening of a more mission-oriented and meaningful way of living in the modern world. 

Are you going to join us?

We are village-builders. Track Your Life is an invitation to join us.

Following an unconventional, often divergent, way of life, the Varty family has, for nearly 100 years, pioneered conservation, ecotourism and a more sustainable way of being across the African continent. Explore this in the Londolozi story.

On this same path, the Track Your Life team seeks to hold, with deep reverence, the wisdom in ancient technologies and the healing properties of the natural world, to create a sacred experience that connects people to a deeper humanity and coding inside of themselves. 

Our story is crafted with a diverse tapestry of teachings from our elders, guides, mentors and ancient wisdom and philosophy from around the world. 

This work is an expression of our shared story, and what many of us call, the Great Remembering. Only through active doing and being in the natural world can we truly stay connected to ourselves and to the earth. This is how we begin to trace our way back to our original calling - a calling that lives within all of us, a dormant DNA, sometimes still asleep, yet yearning to be awakened.

We are the village builders, the trackers, the healers, the storytellers of our time. And Track Your Life is not just an invitation - it is a call to adventure, to reclaim the path of our ancestral wisdom, to rediscover who we are, and to embark on the journey of remembering together.

In the Cathedral of the Wild

  • Londolozi is one of South Africa’s original private safari destinations - and has been calling people towards authentic wilderness adventures for nearly 100 years.

    As a platform for advocacy of the restoration movement, your time at Londolozi is about far more than immersing yourself in a thrilling wildlife safari experience. When you visit, you are contributing to developing the socio-economic wellbeing of a whole human ecosystem, rooted in the interconnected values of village life.

To have an encounter with wild animals in the African bush is to discover an essential truth about ourselves and our world.

We are all Villagers in the World Village.

  • As we build our villages and embrace village living in our lives and businesses, we are participating in something much bigger: the restoration of the human spirit and the planet.

    A new consciousness is taking root across the world and it is within this consciousness that the possibility exists for restoring the planet for humans and animals.

    We are all villagers in the World Village - a level of consciousness that connects us all. Village Consciousness is about: 

    • cultivating what it means to be human

    • a restoration of the natural world

    • remembering the ancient ways

    • imagining and making our own lives

    • reconnecting with our food source

    • a return to being

    • kindness and love as central values

    • the desire to co-create something new in the universe.

Let your life always create a Ripple Effect.

Our philanthropic work is rooted in the interconnectedness of people and nature, with two organizations holding a special place in our story:

  • Good Work Foundation (GWF) is an education non-profit that aims to provide access to world-class, wonder-filled learning to rural South Africans, an education that prepares our learners and students for a digital future.

    Our dream is to see rural South African communities flourishing in the 21st-century digital world. We believe that connecting more young people to the digital economy will change their lives, their families and their communities forever.

    We seek to achieve this by creating innovative digital learning campuses, responsive education programmes and demand-led social enterprises, all designed to create an accessible, opportunity-packed world for current and future generations of rural South Africans.

  • The Tracker Academy was established with the simple mission to preserve indigenous wisdom. The academy trains men and women – from rural and disadvantaged communities neighbouring wildlife areas – in the traditional skills of tracking.

    Mrs Gaynor Rupert made Tracker Academy possible in 2010 – a bold and visionary action that has benefitted hundreds of wildlife trackers.

    The Tracker Academy is leveraging the enhanced bushcraft and tracking skills of expert trackers to support anti-poaching efforts to counter the devastating effects of rhino poaching in SouthAfrica.